Thursday, February 21, 2013

Changing the rules- BBQ like it's Summer in the Winter -

Okay, here is the story -

 I'm on aisle 3, which is BBQ Sauce Central, I can see that a customer to the left of me is looking for something.. So of course, never being able to mind my own business, I ask if I can help her find something.  She says " I'm looking for a sauce I tasted at the Fancy Food Show."

  Now, I try to stop everywhere and try everything at the Fancy Food Show. I have done this now for 20 years, all 3 days open to close. I have acquired some serious knowledge when it comes to food products in our area. And since it isn't going to make it on our shelf if it isn't unique or better than what we already carry, I really do have to taste everything.

Anyway back to the story.  I had to ask-

" Is it by chance Jake's Blue Oak?"  Her eyes got huge as saucers!  She says to me, "YES!!"  So I shared that we really loved it too and that we were going to wait, but now that I know we have a customer who wants it, I will order it right away.  Thank you Susie (my customer) for saying something!

This is my favorite way to introduce a new product.  When It already has a raving fan who will help sing it's praises to friends.
To top this all off, I'm a big fan of the way Jake does business.  He is more of a partner with us.  He wants to help sell his product to the consumer, not just to the buyer of the store.  Maybe I can talk him into coming to do a demo.  If you taste this sauce, you will indeed know what all the fuss is about. 

California has one the longest bbq seasons around. At times even in the middle of February we were having 70 degree weather! Even with this weather we usually don't entertain introducing new bbq sauces in the dead of  Winter ( people tend to want their old standby sauce at these times). We usually wait until April to do this.  Not this year.  It's happening now!!

More people than ever have created their own bbq sauce hoping to cash in on their recipe. Many of these people had lost job's ( due to the economy) I know, kind of harsh.  Truth though - there is even a new law The Cottage Law I believe it's called.  You can look it up. It was just passed, allowing people to create products in the kitchen at home and can be sold in a grocery store. This may bring even more uniquely wonderful products to our shelves, we'll have to wait and see.
Anyhow, can't wait for this to show up, it should be any day now.  

Nom Nom

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